
Placeholder Product 01

Original price was: $99.90.Current price is: $9.99.

This is a Placeholder Product 01.

This is not a real product. Do not buy it.

More information is coming soon.

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This is a Placeholder Product 01.

This is not a real product. Do not buy it.

More information is coming soon.

Main board

Tinusaur main microcontroller board with ATtiny85 on it (1 MHz, 8-bit RISK CPU, 8KB Flash, 512B RAM, 512B EEPROM) along with all electronic components for its stable operation, battery, and programming connector.

Tinusaur Board Gen4

Tinusaur Board Gen4 Parts

Board Shield LEDx2

Add-on board (also called a shield) LEDx2 consisting of a board with 2 LEDs – red/green, 2 resistors, and headers.

Shield LEDx2 Gen4 Shield LEDx2 Gen4 Parts

Board Shield EDUx3IO

Add-on board (also called a shield) EDUx3IO consists of a board, LED, photoresistor, buzzer, 2 resistors, and headers.

Shield EDUx3IO Gen4

Shield_EDUx3IO Gen4 Parts


USB programmer

USBasp programmer with a cable for uploading the code to the board.

USBasp Programmer


Prefabricated wooden stand for the assembled boards and projects.

Tinusaur Stand Wooden Gen4

Tinusaur Starter EDU Gen4

Placeholder Product 01
Placeholder Product 01
Original price was: $99.90.Current price is: $9.99.